Saturday, September 1, 2012

3 day weekend!

Today kicks off our 3 day weekend with Lylah!  We started off yesterday by swinging by the dr's office at about 4:30.  We were running a little bit late because I went home to get Shannon first so that she could be the one to go into the daycare to get Lylah.

When we got to the daycare, the workers didn't recognize her!  :-(  In fact, they asked her for her ID to get into the facility.  Although we are glad they are thorough, it was a little bothersome since we were running late.  So Shannon had to come back out to the car where I was waiting outside.  I was waiting outside because I had been getting Lylah's carseat ready for here, and also fixing the boys choir tuxes I still have in my car.  They had fallen down near where Lylah sits in the back seat.  So I was out in what felt like 100 degree weather making sure Lylah's carseat had enough room.

Once Shannon went back in to give the workers her ID., the woman at the desk physically walked Shannon back to Lylah's play room.  Then, questioned Lylah's daycare giver about Shannon!  The woman who cares for Lylah even recognized Shannon!  After further questioning, Lylah was finally released to go home with mommy!  Wow!

We got to the dr.s office about 4:40.  Lylah has gained about 7 ounces since her last visit just a few weeks ago.  That is good news, of course!  We had to talk with the doctor about this spitting up thing.  The daycare keeps saying it seems to be worsening.  So he prescribed the same medicine we had been giving to her periodically, and instructed that we needed to give it to her daily.  He also prescribed a pro biotic for her stomach.

Later, after Shannon put Ly to bed, I went out to grab Chinese food and a movie!  We go to this great buffet that I can load up our boxes with food for only $7 each!  And the food is great!  I usually walk away with about 15 boiled shrimp and all kinds of goodies.  They even serve unlimited raw oysters at that restaurant!  They are just laid out on the bar.  I see many customers stocking up on those, because you can't get unlimited raw oysters anywhere else for the price (dine in buffet on weekends does cost about $13, but still, that's a great price for unlimited food and raw oysters!).

I also grabbed a movie while I was out.  We got "Intruders," with Clive Owen.  We were able to eat and watch the movie in peace.  About half way through the movie, after we were finished eating, Shannon and I were both falling asleep on the couch.  We decided to stop the movie and continue it tomorrow.  I guess the first week of school + caring for Lylah each night + waking up early to get Lylah up has taken a toll on us.  We both fell asleep very quickly.

This morning, I got up with Lylah, but was still tired.  I put Lylah down for a nap about 8:15 and crawled back into bed.  Shannon got up when Lylah woke up (Shannon said she slept a long time, but I don't know what time they got up).  I woke up about noon, when Shannon surprised me with my favorite coffee drink from Starbucks!


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