Sunday, September 30, 2012

We're back!!!!

Hey guys.  It's been a while since I have blogged.  I've been so tired from school lately.  Usually I will go get Lylah, come home, and we play with Lylah until about 7 pm, then put her to bed.  Then we have just a couple of hours to ourselves and to relax.  So, I have been taking advantage of that time and blogging hasn't been the major priority, especially since I was having to stay after school so much lately.

Anyhow, Lylah has been doing great!  I just took her to the doctor a couple of days ago for that cough I talked about a while back.  Our pediatrician gave her some antibiotics for a sinus infection.

Just before I stopped blogging before, Lylah was starting to stand on her own.  Now she is pulling herself up on everything she can.  The only thing we really have to keep her away from is the tile in our house, and the coffee table (which is very hard wood).

Her teeth are starting to come in now!  We can feel little hard pieces just on the bottom of her mouth.  They are not very bit yet, but they are definitely present.

I have a few updated pictures to post onto here:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Pajamas!

Lylah is growing out of all of her pajamas.  Shannon makes fun of me because I pronounce them "Pajahmas" (with a proper ah sound, I guess).  Hahaha.  Anyways, we went on Amazon today and got her a couple of pairs that will fit her.  Here are the new ones we bought her:

Of course we had to get the bumble bee pajamas.  We call her Lylah bug all of the time!  Also, we have an appointment to skype with Nana on Sunday morning! Lylah is looking forward to seeing Nana.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lylah standing

Lylah loves to stand now just for the sake of standing up. Today, while Shannon and I were holding her she was just spinning around between the two of. We had to to hold her of course, but she seemed to be enjoying it.

We also received a book earlier this year from Lylahs "Mamabon." Mamabon is the nickname for Amy Allibon - my high school choir director, mentor, colleage, and friend! She sent Lylah "i love you forever!" It's a very cute book! Amy has always been amazing about keeping in contact with me and my family. Few can do what she has done in her life and I am so lucky to know her!

Today is also Ly's 7 month birthday! :)
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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wrath of illnesses...

So, I did not realize that once wd had a baby and started taking her to daycare, the wrath of the germ gods would plant themselves at our house for a week. So far this last week, I took off one day,.Shannon took off two. Lylah threw up after I got her home Thurday. I took her back to daycare on Friday. When I picked her up, the workers confirmed that there was a stomach bug being passed around. At 545 am Saturday I woke up to do bus training. I got some breakfast at a small donut shop after waiting for my bus trainer who never did show up. So I left at 920 from there, and its a good thing I did. I felt uncomfortable driving home with my food not settling. The bug hit me at about 10 am. I was miserable from 10-5. Around 4 i took tylenol and a cold bath. Meanwhile Shannon was developing the same symptoms at about 2 pm. She did a great job of taking care of Ly all day, and I was starting to feel a little better by the time Shannon was really heading down hill. Now Ly is asleep, I am about 80% better (8pm) and Shannon is right in the thick of the illness. I heard it was 24 hours....I really hope so. I assume Lylah had this 2 days ago when she was sick and had several dirty diapers. I hope all of this junk and illness subsides one day.
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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bad few days

Today caps off a pretty bad few days for little Lylah bug. Her poor little immune system is definitely getting a workout. Since the weather started changing, she got the sniffles and perhaps a cold. We have been passing around all sorts of germs at the Green house. So, she couldn't breathe well a couple of nights ago. Last night her sleep was interrupted by some coughing spells, and worst of all was tonight. Tonight capped it off when I had to take her to open house because Shannon was busy at her school tonight. I had an awesome para named Lisa Owens watch Lylah from 515 to about 715. Lylah was already spitting up a lot leaving the daycare at 400. When I went to get Ly at 715, she was still spitting up like crazy and did not finish her bottle. She maybe drank 3 out of 6 ounces. She spit up a few more times on the ways home. But as soon as I got her out of the car, she threw up on me. Most of it went to the ground, but a little got on me. Then I got inside and she was lying her head on my shoulder. No more than about a minute after her first wave came a second and much larger vomit session. At this point her little tummy and body were heaving the formula out and straight down my shirt. That one splashed on the floor. :( About 15 seconds after that came a smaller one, but still heaving. I felt so bad for her, but I couldn't do much. I ended up taking off my soaked shirt, getting a big towel, and undressing her. I also took her temperature which was normal. I changed her diaper and put her in her pjs. She seemed to feel ok, but looked a bit pale. I softly rocked her and put her to bed where she fell asleep quickly. We have had no further episodes yet of vomiting. Here's hoping for a good night. I wonder if she got that nasty 24 hour stomach bug that's been going around my school. :'( I hope not...
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I picked up Ly from daycare today and brought her home for a somewhat normal weekday.  When we got home, after greeting mommy (who stayed home sick today - I stayed home sick yesterday), Lylah visited with us a while.  But it didn't take much time for her to start reaching for the remote control, and she was especially interested in my peanut butter m&m's package.  She seems to like things that 'crinkle'.

Also, she answers everything with the word "Abba"
We will say:
"Lylah, say dadda.......Abba"
"Lylah say mama.........Abba"
"Lylah, Hi!!!! .............Abba"

She is also blowing raspberries a lot and making funny sounds with her mouth.  Sometimes she does it while crawling across a room.  I have a feeling that fatherhood is about to get a little more interesting...

Also, a huge thank you to Nana and Papa in Virginia!  We told them recently that we were going to need a convertible car seat soon.  My mom said to go online and send her some ideas for one.  So I did and they bought it for us!  Here is a picture:

The package just came today!  I am going to go open it after I am finished writing in the blog today!!  Thank you sooo much Nana and Papa!  We will try to get a picture of Ly in it soon!  

Love you guys!


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Home with baby

it's our last day of the weekend to be home with Ly.  She's done so well this weekend, especially crawling around!  She can now get about half way across the room on her own while crawling!  Yesterday, Lylah was very talkative!  And today she took a picture for her grandparents!

Love this picture!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lylah's smile

Lylah had lots of big smiles this morning for me!  The last couple of days have been pretty interesting for Ly and for us!  Here's what's happened:

1. Yesterday, when I picked her up from daycare, she screamed with excitement when she saw me!  
2.  When Shannon picked her up the other day, she gave her a huge, long smile!

3. Lylah is crawling a little bit.  She can get into a crawling position and move just a little bit forward, but most of her getting around the room is by rolling still.

4. Lylah actually said "Hi" to me yesterday!  We say Hi to her all of the time, and she actually repeated it back!  She did the same for Shannon later.  We couldn't get her to do it more than twice though.

5. Shannon took Lylah to her open house at her school last week.  I have to do the same this week! Our good friend at school will help watch her!  Thanks to Lisa Owens!!!!!!!

So, those are pretty much the updates lately.  

I told everyone that we love our daycare!  It's true - we still love them.  In fact, I work with a teacher at my school that used to work for the daycare to which we take Lylah.  This teacher even highly recommends the place to her friends!  AND they just set up electronic payments.  I guess they were pretty behind the times on technology, because we were having to take checks in every week.

Grandparents and friends, don't be too alaramed, but there has now been one car break in outside of our daycare facility.  Two days ago, the daycare director sent out a warning e-mail to all parents and staff that local day cares were being targeted for people who leave valuables inside of their car and just run in to get their kids.  They were really looking for purses and laptops.  

Yesterday, one of the cars at our daycare facility was targeted.  In fact, the robbers opened the car door, and two children were sitting in the car (I suppose the car was running).  So the thieves only took the purse that they could see and ran away.  That happened at 5 pm.  Shannon and I picked up Lylah at 4 pm yesterday.  I did make sure to scan the parking lot well before I dropped off Lylah, but Shannon was there to pick up Lylah about 15 minutes before I got there!  And she said she left her purse in her car.  She is confident that they would have broken her window out, had the robbers been there at 4 instead of 5.  

The daycare facility; however, is very safe we believe.  I have to enter a passcode on the keypad in order to enter the building.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lylah - Pronounced LYE (as in "Liar") - LAH

Good day for Lylah!  'Eh' day for me - Just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Lylah was fussing a little bit when I picked her up from daycare today, but they said that was the first time she had really been a little upset today.  She also did not spit up NEARLY AS MUCH today!  That was encouraging.  When she does it 5 days in a row, I will be convinced that the medicine is working correctly.

When she got home, she was very happy to see mommy.  Shannon always gets a great smile from Lylah when she sees her!  It's very cool.

Lylah's new developments include:

Reaching for items much further away
scooting toward those items!
Putting her legs beneath her in a crawling position!
Standing with almost no help

We had to lower Lylah's crib tonight because she is getting to where she can stand up on her own.  We lowered the crib, obviously for protection.  It looks like she is in a pit now.  Shannon cant reach the bottom, even on her tiptoes.  I guess she is going to have to work that out when she puts Ly to bed tomorrow.

Those who talk with me about Lylah, please remember to pronounce her name LYE-LAH

LYE (as in liar) --- LAH

Tomorrow, I Shannon and I both have open house.  Shannon will take Lylah tomorrow to work,, I will take Lylah to our open house next week.  We really need to find a babysitter we can hire. . . .when we have a little money, that is!

Also, just as a side note, we are trying to acquire a document camera for our school!  It's quite expensive so any donations will help!  Chevron is also giving away money in Harris county for these types of projects.  Anyhow, the website is below if you feel so inclined!  :-)  Please don't give too much, Shannon, mine, and Lylah's birthday's are coming up soon!  ;-)  Lol!!!! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

First Shoes

Yesterday, we were able to put Lylah into her first pair of shoes!  Since then, I have posted the picture on facebook and it has gotten many likes and comments!

After she got dressed, she and daddy went to the grocery store to pick up a few items.  It was a small daddy, daughter date; however, she is small too, so it's justified!  :-)

We have had all weekend with our Lylah bug and it's been great 'catching up' with her!  She's been quite vocal this weekend.  She tells us all about her week at daycare (we think).  Her favorite word right now seems to be 'hih-bub,' and she just blows some air from her mouth at the end of the word.  We don't even have a ballpark guess of what that means yet, but she says it pretty often.

She is STILL having issues with her sinus infection.  She is still having trouble breathing through her nose at times.  We have some drops and such, but they aren't super effective.  When we took her to the doctor, we didn't really mention it since we were there for acid reflux.  The doctor even looked in her nose, and didn't mention anything so we figured that she must be getting better!  But it comes back often.  We were supposed to give her an antibiotic for it, but we left it out after the first dose when it was supposed to be refrigerated.  I suppose if this stuff goes on for another week, we will be talking to the doctor again.  I guess babies see doctors a lot.  I have talked more to my doctor in 6 months for Lylah, than I have talked to him the 3 years I have been going to see him!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

3 day weekend!

Today kicks off our 3 day weekend with Lylah!  We started off yesterday by swinging by the dr's office at about 4:30.  We were running a little bit late because I went home to get Shannon first so that she could be the one to go into the daycare to get Lylah.

When we got to the daycare, the workers didn't recognize her!  :-(  In fact, they asked her for her ID to get into the facility.  Although we are glad they are thorough, it was a little bothersome since we were running late.  So Shannon had to come back out to the car where I was waiting outside.  I was waiting outside because I had been getting Lylah's carseat ready for here, and also fixing the boys choir tuxes I still have in my car.  They had fallen down near where Lylah sits in the back seat.  So I was out in what felt like 100 degree weather making sure Lylah's carseat had enough room.

Once Shannon went back in to give the workers her ID., the woman at the desk physically walked Shannon back to Lylah's play room.  Then, questioned Lylah's daycare giver about Shannon!  The woman who cares for Lylah even recognized Shannon!  After further questioning, Lylah was finally released to go home with mommy!  Wow!

We got to the dr.s office about 4:40.  Lylah has gained about 7 ounces since her last visit just a few weeks ago.  That is good news, of course!  We had to talk with the doctor about this spitting up thing.  The daycare keeps saying it seems to be worsening.  So he prescribed the same medicine we had been giving to her periodically, and instructed that we needed to give it to her daily.  He also prescribed a pro biotic for her stomach.

Later, after Shannon put Ly to bed, I went out to grab Chinese food and a movie!  We go to this great buffet that I can load up our boxes with food for only $7 each!  And the food is great!  I usually walk away with about 15 boiled shrimp and all kinds of goodies.  They even serve unlimited raw oysters at that restaurant!  They are just laid out on the bar.  I see many customers stocking up on those, because you can't get unlimited raw oysters anywhere else for the price (dine in buffet on weekends does cost about $13, but still, that's a great price for unlimited food and raw oysters!).

I also grabbed a movie while I was out.  We got "Intruders," with Clive Owen.  We were able to eat and watch the movie in peace.  About half way through the movie, after we were finished eating, Shannon and I were both falling asleep on the couch.  We decided to stop the movie and continue it tomorrow.  I guess the first week of school + caring for Lylah each night + waking up early to get Lylah up has taken a toll on us.  We both fell asleep very quickly.

This morning, I got up with Lylah, but was still tired.  I put Lylah down for a nap about 8:15 and crawled back into bed.  Shannon got up when Lylah woke up (Shannon said she slept a long time, but I don't know what time they got up).  I woke up about noon, when Shannon surprised me with my favorite coffee drink from Starbucks!