Lylah had lots of big smiles this morning for me! The last couple of days have been pretty interesting for Ly and for us! Here's what's happened:
1. Yesterday, when I picked her up from daycare, she screamed with excitement when she saw me!
2. When Shannon picked her up the other day, she gave her a huge, long smile!
3. Lylah is crawling a little bit. She can get into a crawling position and move just a little bit forward, but most of her getting around the room is by rolling still.
4. Lylah actually said "Hi" to me yesterday! We say Hi to her all of the time, and she actually repeated it back! She did the same for Shannon later. We couldn't get her to do it more than twice though.
5. Shannon took Lylah to her open house at her school last week. I have to do the same this week! Our good friend at school will help watch her! Thanks to Lisa Owens!!!!!!!
So, those are pretty much the updates lately.
I told everyone that we love our daycare! It's true - we still love them. In fact, I work with a teacher at my school that used to work for the daycare to which we take Lylah. This teacher even highly recommends the place to her friends! AND they just set up electronic payments. I guess they were pretty behind the times on technology, because we were having to take checks in every week.
Grandparents and friends, don't be too alaramed, but there has now been one car break in outside of our daycare facility. Two days ago, the daycare director sent out a warning e-mail to all parents and staff that local day cares were being targeted for people who leave valuables inside of their car and just run in to get their kids. They were really looking for purses and laptops.
Yesterday, one of the cars at our daycare facility was targeted. In fact, the robbers opened the car door, and two children were sitting in the car (I suppose the car was running). So the thieves only took the purse that they could see and ran away. That happened at 5 pm. Shannon and I picked up Lylah at 4 pm yesterday. I did make sure to scan the parking lot well before I dropped off Lylah, but Shannon was there to pick up Lylah about 15 minutes before I got there! And she said she left her purse in her car. She is confident that they would have broken her window out, had the robbers been there at 4 instead of 5.
The daycare facility; however, is very safe we believe. I have to enter a passcode on the keypad in order to enter the building.