Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Morning Routine

I take the morning shift now every morning.  When Lylah was born, Shannon and I got into a great routine.  She is a night owl, and I am a morning person.  Both of us are cranky at our respective non-awake hours.  Those times are sacred.  So, for a while, Shannon would be responsible for getting Lylah between 10 and 3 A.M., and I was responsible for 3 - 7.  At 7, we were both awake and would go to work about 7:30.  My mom was in town while we both finished out the school year.  She retired in November of 2011, so it worked out perfectly!  Mom was hesitant to stay with us for a month, but time went by very fast for all of us, and it turned out that she really loved doing it.

Then, when summer hit, and we began bathing Lylah every night, Shannon thought it was a good idea to switch off the evening bath/feeding routine (so that I got time to do that with Lylah).  Will continue later...

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