6:00 - Wake up (I think because it's getting light outside)
7:00 - Eats (a minute over and she might fuss!)
7:30 - Play time
8:30 - Nap
11:00 - Eat
1:00 - Nap
3:00 - Solid food meal/eat
5:00 - Nap
6:00 - Fussy hour
7:00 - Bath
7:15 - Eat
7:30 - In crib
8:00 - Asleep
The thing that really amazes me is the timing of her own body clock. She has no concept of time, except what her body expects. She doesn't always stick to this schedule exactly, but I can always count on her waking up at precisely 7:00 A.M. for her first feeding. And 6:00 at night is definitely the 'witching hour' for her! She will fuss from 6-7 P.M. unless she is very occupied.
In fact, her schedule is helping my schedule get ready for school. I am quite accustomed to waking up early and don't have to adjust my sleep schedule entirely from summer time to school time. Shannon and I will be needing to go to bed earlier during the school year. We stay up about every night after we put Lylah to bed. We eat dinner about 7:30, and lately have been staying up until midnight watching Breaking Bad (a great series by the way!). That alone time with Shannon is nice because we don't have that all day with Lylah around. It just doesn't happen! But from 7:30 on, it's alone time. I value my time with Lylah, and I value my alone time, but in very different ways.