Monday, October 14, 2013

Lylah dancing away

So last night, Lylah really enjoyed hearing Queen's "Somebody to Love" playing on a movie on TV.  She enjoyed it so much, in fact, that she started dancing to it.  I have seen most of the other dance moves.  The butt slap, however, is a new one (perhaps Queen inspired the move?).  Please enjoy this performance...

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lylah update and summer

You may have noticed that has gone down.  This is because about 4 months ago, google stopped hosting custom websites to purchase.  I had originally purchased through google, but now can no longer post to that custom website due to this problem.  Apparently, there is a licensing waiting period before I can purchase the domain again, and that period will end sometime in the next few days.  I plan to then purchase the domain name again and get the blog up and running.

I wanted to take this opportunity to let everyone know that Lylah is doing really great!  She is putting together sentences and running around everywhere!  We really like her new daycare.

I have inserted a video of Lylah saying some of her words!

And here are some updated pictures: